Sidhu, Preety, and Nancy Chen Long. "A Writer's Insight: Nancy Chen Long." The Southern Review. 12 March.
Ruchi Perino, Bina and Dorothy Chan. "Under Pressure: Dorothy Chan." The Boiler. 17 June.
Solmer, Natalie, and Nancy Chen Long. "Featured Poet: Nancy Chen Long." The Indianapolis Review. Summer 2020.
Hafiz Ramji, Shazia, and Zeeshan Khan Pathan. "Shazia Hafiz Ramji: Poetry Is Like Prayer: An Interview with Zeeshan Pathan." Periodicities: A Journal of Poetry and Poetics. 2 September 2020.
Hadbawnik, David, and Dorothy Chan. "Episode 2." Primitive Information (podcast). 5 September 2020.
Tuon, Bunkong, Tina Schumann and Jenna Le. "Poets on Craft: Tina Schumann and Jenna Le." Cultural Weekly. 5 September 2020.
Perino, Bina Ruchi and Lena Khalaf Tuffaha. "Under Pressure: Lena Khalaf Tuffaha." The Boiler. 7 September 2020.
McGregor, Abby and Shelley Wong. "10 Questions for Shelley Wong." The Massachusetts Review. 13 February.
Clifton, Brian, and Dorothy Chan. "Too Much Of A Good Thing Is Wonderful: A Conversation with Dorothy Chan." American Literary Review. 27 February.
Bailey, Jasmine V. and Paul Guest. "The Heart is a Thing if What We're Talking About is My Mind: An Interview with Paul Guest." Writer's Chronicle. March/April.
Girls At Library and KC Trommer. "KC TROMMER." Girls At Library. 6 April.
Ben-Oni, Rosebud, and Jared Harél. "Verve {in} Verse: In Conversation with Jared Harél." Kenyon Review Blog. 26 June.
Davidson-Hiers, CD, and Dorothy Chan. "A conversation with FSU graduate and poet Dorothy Chan about 'Revenge of the Asian Woman." Tallahassee Democrat. 20 July.
Chan, Dorothy. "Book Fest Q&A: Dorothy Chan: new UWEC prof brings 'poetic tsunami' to reading." VolumeOne. 20 September.
Ben-Oni, Rosebud, and KC Trommer. "VERVE {IN} VERSE: In Conversation with KC Trommer." Kenyon Review Blog. 10 November.
Handal, Nathalie, and Lena Khalaf Tuffaha. "The City and the Writer: In Amman with Lena Khalaf Tuffaha." Words Without Borders. 11 November.
Sauther, Janola and Jehanne Dubrow. "An Interview with Jehanne Dubrow." Pleiades.