The annual Diode Editions contests are currently closed.
The Diode Editions Book & Chapbook contests are open to all poets who write in English. We welcome collaborations, translations, and hybrid works. We accept simultaneous submissions. The press may select more than one book & chapbook for publication.
Full guidelines are posted here during contest periods.

Contest Winners
Full-length Book Prize Winners
All Is The Telling, Rosa Castellano
Tidying Up The House, Hind Shoufani
We Had Mansions: Poems, Mandy Shunnarah
Chapbook Prize Winners
Towards A Retreat, Samaa Abdurraqib
Hindsight, Mack Rogers
Full-length Book Prize Finalists
Some Americans, Carolyn Guinzio
Grappling, Eddie Kim
Bone Symphony, Michelle Phương Hồ
Direct and Unavoidable Consequences, Isaac Pickell
Artifacts, Heidi Seaborn
Chrome Pig, Glenn Shaheen
Chapbook Prize Finalists
Redapples falling still, Sneha Subramanian Kanta
John Wilkes Booth's Dream, David Kirby
Derecho Diary, Becca Klaver
Lessons on How to Become a Bee, Patrick Lawler
Ceasefire Haiku, Faisal Mohyuddin
If I Call This Cave a Garden, Caroline New
What We've Become, darlene anita scott
Catalog of Shadows, Jaz Sufi
Full-length Book Prize Winners
all children., Shabnam Piryaei
No Rest, Jason Koo
Chapbook Prize Winners
Difficult, Rewa Zeinati
BOOT-less →, Trace DePass
Dancing Backwards Towards Pluperfect, Koss
Full-length Book Prize Finalists
Ofrenda, Anaïs Deal-Márquez
Book Content to Breathe Inside the Tree, Patrick Lawler
Between the Sun and The Moon, Xiaoly Li
Slowly Our Faces Come Into View, Lea Marshall
Devil Music, Charlie Clark
Chapbook Prize Finalists
Occurrence of a Dream Translated by Animals, M. Cynthia Cheung
Dreams of Labrador, Christopher Brean Murray
My Abandoned Poems, Owen McLeod
Frankie's Daughter, Haro Lee
DIDA, Karan Kapoor
The Mariachi at the End of Time, Christopher Nelson
Landscape for the Lost, Aiden Heung
Beneath Salt, Anna Tomlinson
Tapestry, Kirun Kapur
Full-length Book Prize Winners
The Badass Brontës, Jane Satterfield
A Glossary of Light and Shadow, Esther Ra
The Corrected Version, Rosanna Oh
Chapbook Prize Winners
#stringofbeads, Lee Ann Roripaugh
Self-Portrait in Hospital as Camus, Schneider K. Rancy
Full-length Book Prize Finalists
Little Iliads, Jean Gallagher
Visitation, Steven Gehrke
Grappling, Eddie Kim
Some Animal, Fay Dillof
Boneyard Heresies, Tina Schumann
Happy Poems & Other Lies, Jeddie Sophronius
The Alcestis Machine, Carolyn Oliver
ENSŌ CAROUSEL, Partridge Boswell
Noctuary, Taylor Supplee
Chapbook Prize Finalists
Mediaeval Sentences, Kathleen Winter
The Bent Resemblant, Paula Cisewski
On Night, Christopher Nelson
said the Frog to the Scorpion, Matthew E. Henry
In Arcadia, Craig Beaven
Smelling Static, Steffan Triplett
Prerecorded Weather, Noah Falck & Matt McBride
Full-length Book Prize
Night Swim, Joan Kwon Glass
Yearn, Rage Hezekiah
Mouth, Sugar, and Smoke, Eric Tran
Chapbook Prize
She Has Dreamt Again of Water, Stephanie Niu
Of the Florids, Shawn Hoo
Sandman, Huan He
Cancer Voodoo, Melissa Johnson
Full-length Book Prize
Where the Wolf, Sally Rosen Kindred
The Enemy of My Enemy Is Me, Conor Bracken
GHETTOCLAUSTROPHOBIA: Dreamin of Mama While Trying to Speak Woman in Woke Tongues, Shanta Lee Gander
Chapbook Prize
Faraway Places, Teow Lim Goh
Low Budget Movie, Kendra DeColo & Tyler Mills
Special Delivery, Natasha Sajé
Body Facts, Joey S. Kim
Slash / Slash, Amorak Huey & W. Todd Kaneko
Full-length Book Prize
Wider than the Sky, Nancy Chen Long
The Minister of Disturbances, Zeeshan Khan Pathan
Chapbook Prize
The Last Human Heart, Allison Joseph
Good Timing & Gertrude Stein: Inside Snoopy's snout maggots feast upon my blood, Julia Cohen
Full-length Book Prize
Revenge of the Asian Woman, Dorothy Chan
American Samizdat, Jehanne Dubrow
We Call Them Beautiful, KC Trommer
Chapbook Prize
Returning to Jaffa, Philip Metres
Smoke Girl, Simone Person
Full-length Book Prize
Go Because I Love You, Jared Harél
the empty season, Catherine Bresner
Chapbook Prize
Our Lady of the Flood, Alison Pelegrin
Red//Jild//Prayer, Hazem Fahmy
Adoption, Adam Falkner
Full-length Book Prize
Starlight & Error, Remica Bingham-Risher
quitter, Paula Cisewski
Chapbook Prize
Rare Birds, Shelley Wong
Requiem: A Patrimony of Fugues, Tina Schumann
For Filthy Women Who Worry About Disappointing God, Seema Yasmin
Chapbook Prize
Straight, sam sax
The Goddess Monologues, Vandana Khanna
Chapbook Prize
Bright Power, Dark Peace, Traci Brimhall & Brynn Saito