Rewa Zeinati
Rewa Zeinati is a poet, essayist, and educator. Recipient of the 2020 Edward Stanley Award for Poetry, she is the author of the poetry chapbook, Bullets & Orchids, and the founding editor of Sukoon, an online journal publishing Arab-themed art and literature in English. She holds a BA in English Literature from the American University of Beirut and an MFA from the University of Missouri, Saint Louis. Her poems and essays are found in Nimrod, Prairie Schooner, Natural Bridge, Best Small Fictions, The Common, discontent, Mizna, The Spectacle, New England Review, AAWW, Grist, So To Speak, Guernica, among others.

Courtesy of Houssam Mchaimech, photographer
Publication Date:
spring 2024
The book asks the question, How do we talk about the difficult? It asks, How do we transcend the shame of circumstances we had nothing to do with? To what end do we admit the traumas we’ve inherited, the oppressions we’ve witnessed, both privately and publicly? How do we liberate ourselves from the choices we’ve made or the ones made on our behalf without permission? How do we move towards all that is perceived as not enough? How do we insist that it is in fact enough? How do we free ourselves from our learned individuality and entitlement? From the imposed guilt or what feels like humiliation.