Julia Cohen
Julia Cohen is an editor at Essay Press. She's the author of one collection of lyric essays, I Was Not Born (Noemi Press, 2014), which was recently translated into German and released by Literaturverlag Droschl. She’s also written two books of poetry, Collateral Light (Brooklyn Arts Press, 2014) and Triggermoon Triggermoon (BLP, 2011). Her nonfiction and poetry appear in issues of Juked, Jellyfish Review, Heavy Feather Review, The Rumpus, Entropy, Boston Review, and BOMB. She's currently working on a new collection of essays, Freak Lip.
Julia Cohen has a BA from Wesleyan University, an MFA from The New School, and a PhD from the University of Denver. She’s an Assistant Professor of English and Literature at Wright College. She teaches creative writing and literature courses. She’s an activist for public higher education.
Her heart is a fainting couch—it will catch you if you fall.
Contact her at: Julesycohen@gmail.com or find her on Twitter @JuliaACohen.

Photo Courtesy of the Author
Publication Date:
March 2020
Out of invisible gauze or membrane, some sentences construct a wall within you. A black plum riding on the tongue. These sentences only seem possible inside your body: an act of evaporation escapes your mouth before ever reaching a recipient.
As solely interior sentences, their possibility exists as a reminder of vast emotional oceans between the thinking-island & the saying-shore.